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  • Roxanne Barton

Grow Your Sphere of Influence Online as Real Estate Agent

Updated: May 19, 2019

A real estate agent’s sphere of contacts is one of the most important professional assets you can have. This network is great for lead generating, referrals and your reputation.

Growing your Sphere Online

The internet's sphere-building potential could make a big difference for your real estate business. Check out how these few tips on how to grow and manage your sphere digitally.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Get serious about social media - start using your personal and business Facebook pages to engage with your current sphere and expand it to new contacts!

  2. Stay in touch with your contacts through emails, texts, social groups and digital lead generating and CRM tools!

  3. Be sure you look professional online when presenting your listings with stunning looking media, custom branding with clear contact information and automated marketing tools.

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